la piscina a cuore

Reviews Hotel Sabrina Rimini

700+ reviews left by users at the end of January 2023 summer season on Booking, Tripadvisor and Google reviews .
Hotel Sabrina in Rimini has closed for the winter season and will reopen in May 2023.

Google reviews

Score 4.7 out of 5 - users who left their opinion on Google Review rated the property as a whole EXCELLENT

Reviews on Tripadvisor

Score 4.5 out of 5 - FOR THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR WE HAVE BEEN AWARDED WITH CERTIFICATE OF EXCELLENCE FROM TRIPADVISOR thanks to a partial score of 4.90 referring to the last 100 reviews. Tripadvisor rated the property as a EXCELLENT as a whole

The reviews on Booking

Score 9.2 out of 10 - users who left their opinion on Booking rated the property as a whole EXCELLENT